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May 23, 2012 - June 30, 2012

Curso realizado para la asignatura de Diseño de cursos virtuales del profesor Miguel Santamaría Lancho, dentro del posgrado oficial de la UNED "Máster Universitario En Comunicación Y Educación En La Red: De Soc. Inf A Soc. Conoc", curso 2011/2012.
El curso está realizado por María Carmén Prados Gomez, Vicente Pérez Lamas, Maria Itziar Villalba Carrascosa y Ana Suarez

March 25, 2012 - June 10, 2012

Kilingi-Nõmme Gümnaasium
7. klass
Õpetaja Sirje Jakobson

February 26, 2012 - July 20, 2012

La sociedad digital ha modificado los procesos de transmisión del conocimiento. Los modelos clásicos de la educación de caracter transmisivo, han dado paso a nuevas formas de gestión del conocimiento en las redes sociales que se caracterizan por su componente híbrido, físico y digital.

La gestión del conocimiento basada en las tecnologías digitales tiene lugar en espacios de socialización donde el conocimiento fluye como consecuencia de la interación y la colaboración de un amplio número de sujetos conectados en red.

De acuerdo con esta conceptualización, este curso aborda la creación, gestión y evaluación de redes sociales y comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje.

February 6, 2012 - June 30, 2012

The relationships which link government and business, the two primary institutions in society, are inherently complex. Analysing these relationships is an essential element in understanding how society is organised. This unit considers a number of Australian policy choices and major international issues from a government-business relations perspective, taking into account both domestic and international contexts. Such a combination of insights will provide a strong understanding of complex interactions between government and business at the local, national, and international levels.

This unit provides students with an awareness of the relationship between political, economic, social and policy aspects of interaction between government and business in Australia and a selection of other countries. It investigates the extent of government influence, how power is distributed throughout society, the impact of interest groups on policy, and how government and business are organised in a global context. Students will also be provided with a historical insight into, and a thorough understanding of, the interplay of economics and politics in international capitalism and the changing global environment. The unit is designed to stimulate critical thinking and informed analysis, but there are no neat and easy answers to key themes and arguments. In many, if not most, cases there is no single „right‟ answer, but students should be able to support their positions with reference to generally accepted facts, an understanding of the readings and sound reasoning.

February 3, 2012 - June 30, 2012

Kool: Sindi Gümnaasium
Kooliaste: gümnaasium
Õppevorm: mittestatsionaarne
Kursus: psühholoogia

Õpetaja: Signe Lensment

January 30, 2012 - May 20, 2012

Tallinna Ülikooli haridustehnoloogia magistriõppe kursus.

January 22, 2012 - August 31, 2012

Kool: Sindi Gümnaasium
Kooliaste: gümnaasium
Õppevorm: mittestatsionaarne
Kursus: ühiskonnageograafia
Hinde kaalukus: 33%

Teema "Riik ja rahvastik" õpimapp.

Õpetaja: Signe Lensment

January 9, 2012 - June 15, 2012

TKG inglise keele õpe + veebipõhine õpe

January 8, 2012 - June 10, 2012

Teema "Multimeedia, tänapäeva väljendusvahend"

Kilingi-Nõmme Gümnaasium

Kursuse õpetajad:
Signe Lensment
Sirje Jakobson

December 2, 2011 - January 31, 2012

Suomen kielen käyttö / Suomi toisen kielenä / opettajankoulutuslaitos / Helsingin yliopisto